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Christoph Kiss
Steinmühlgasse 15
7301 Deutschkreutz


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Kiss als Bilder!

Viele Kiss Spruchbilder, tolle kostenlose Kissbilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!
Und es wird immer schlimmer! Tag 1: Er: Shz? Sie: Ja?! Er: ich hab ein
I want to see you, I want to feel you, I want to touch you and I want to
I want to wear your sweatshirt to bed, watch scary movies with you,talk
| kiss me underneath the mistletoe :*
I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me I still feel your touc
Hin und wieder überkommt mich die Angst, dich zu verlieren...hin und wie
a plum is a plum a peach is a peach But a kiss isn't a kiss - so open
Kiss Kadlec Ass ;D
Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, wh
One last Kiss? ------here's my Ass , Bitch !!!!! ;)
Dir würde ich alles verschenken was ich habe..... Aber was soll ich vers
Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining Her
i kiss di do wost gaunz wüsche wiast ;)
Love begins with a smile, goes by a kiss and ends with tears in your eye
Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly
WELCOME TO ST: TROPEZ ! ♥♥♥ Get fresh gotta stay fly Get the jet I gotta
Protect her, fight for her, kiss her, love her, hold her, laugh with her
love beginns with a smile, goes by a kiss, and end with tears in your ey
i can kiss away the pain :)
Oh her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shining Her h
a plum is a plum a peach is a peach But a kiss isn't a kiss - so open yo
It was the only girl, that falling in love with the DJ The DJ was the ho
love begins with a smile, gos by a kiss, and end with tears in youur eys
it fills so nice, it like to kiss you twice ;D
the way that Y.O.U. kiss me goodnight.
SHUT UP' & kiss me (;
Manchmal denkt man sich : das es leute gibt die alles machen würden um c
All you need is love or how you said only girl
Shot through the heart and you're to blame darling you give love a bad n
BOYS BECOME MEN WHEN THEY: 1. follow you when you walk out 2. call you b
I'm a lady, what can I say?! You don´t like me? That's okey! I am what
kiss me I'm croatian
kiss me and be my prince x3
shuT up & KiSs me !! } M
Would you dance If I asked you to dance? Would you run And never look ba
see,kiss,love and than comming thebest fuck!!!
why do we close our eyes when we pray when we cry when we dream or when
Änni, Bänni, Jenny...Best ...Love you *Kiss
When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you. When I met you, I was afraid t
Evii: Ey du Da Alex: Ja? Evii.: nich duu Alex:Manno Du bist Duum Blöde K
You're gone I am still on my own I'll be here alone I wont see you soon
BRUNO MARS ♥ Easy come, easy go That's just how you live, oh Take, tak
Don´t kiss a boy who´s eyes are black, he kiss you once and will never c
Ich gehe bei Facebook on gucke ob du on bist wenn nicht bin ich traurig
Facebook Smileys: :-) :) :] =) smile :-( :( :[ =) sad :P :-p :p :-P =P t
Facebook Smileys: :-) :) :] =) smile :-( :( :[ =) sad :P :-p :p :-P =P t
8 things a great guy would do : 1. Makes you smile when you're down 2. G

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