You're gone

I am still on my own
I'll be here alone
I wont see you soon
It 'comes a deeper wound

You were always in my life
In sader and in brighter times
But now i don't know where you are
I hope it's not too far

i thought if we're once together
We'll be it forever
But now you gone away
There's nothing else to say

You said that you'll move house
You kissed me and then turned around
With tears in you ran away
This is all that you said

then also i went slowly home
Thought 'bout you and me, 'n so on
Why you didn't say where you moved
didn't find an answer

I've gone home, lay'n in my bed
Gone throught all you ever said
How god can do this to me
I still can't believe

Since then have gone 3 years
Stil crying but now without tears
for me you where the only one
And now i'm play'n along

Play guitar 's the only thing
Doesn't let me cry, i also start to sing
But suddenly the door bell rings
Layin down all my things

Then you stand again in front of me
A look in you're eyes 's all that i need
So my hearts strating get warm again
And finally kiss you then

We doesn't need any words
Just sittin here, hear beating our hearts
And then i can say it to you

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