Best of „Alter!“-Witze:
A: Du bist zu spät!
B: Alter, ich schwör .. n' P ![Best of „Alter!“-Witze:
A: Du bist zu spät!
B: Alter, ich schwör .. n' Pokemon hat mich angegriffen
A: ich war ganicht sooooo betrunken -.-
B: alter du hast deine freundin gefragt ob sie single ist
A: und was hat sie gesagt ?
B: jetzt schon
A: Ich war doch gar nicht soooo betrunken!
B: ...]() | The water runs me in my mouth together ... this makes me nobody so quick ![The water runs me in my mouth together ... this makes me nobody so quick after!! :D]() |
:P]() | Dont drink water . The Fish have SEX in it . ;D ![Dont drink water . The Fish have SEX in it . ;D]() |
Love is in the Air - Warte ich hol den Mückenspray.
There´s something in ![Love is in the Air - Warte ich hol den Mückenspray.
There´s something in the Water - Man nennt es auch mein Bein und jetzt lass es los!
But baby I write you a love song - Alter, hältst du mich für schwul?
I catch a grenade for ya - Scheiße der macht das wirklich! Hau weg, hau weg!
Everybody wants...]() | Click "LIKE" if you like it when the red water comes out. ![Click LIKE if you like it when the red water comes out.]() |
a mother hold her daughter fifteen minutes under water, not to make any ![a mother hold her daughter fifteen minutes under water, not to make any trubbles just to see the funny bubbles xD]() | One day my mother was out, and my dad was in charge of me. I was maybe 2 ![One day my mother was out, and my dad was in charge of me. I was maybe 2 1/2 years old. Someone had given me a little ?tea set? as a gift, and it was one of my favorite toys.. Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when I brought him a little cup of ?tea?, which was just water...]() |
tell me baby are you wet ?! :D
~ ask me in the water agaaaaaaaaaaaain :D ![tell me baby are you wet ?! :D
~ ask me in the water agaaaaaaaaaaaain :DD]() | A. We don't need no water let the Motherfucker burn...burn motherfucker ![A. We don't need no water let the Motherfucker burn...burn motherfucker BURN
B: Alter ?! Hör auf die Justin Bieber Poster meiner Schwester zu verbrennen !! -.-]() |
its not that i hate you, its just, lets put it in this way: if you were ![its not that i hate you, its just, lets put it in this way: if you were on fire, and i would have water. well, i would drink the water.]() | Last friday night fiel Katy Perry auf, dass sie durch Lady Gaga an the e ![Last friday night fiel Katy Perry auf, dass sie durch Lady Gaga an the edge of glory gekommen ist. Daraufhin wollte sie sich mit Bruno Mars darüber unterhalten, aber dieser war Talking to the moon. Auf einmal kam Adam Lambert torkelnd vorbei, denn er war Sleepwalker. Da dachte sich Brooke Fraser ...]() |
I tried
to write your name in the sky.
But the wind blew it away.
In the ![I tried
to write your name in the sky.
But the wind blew it away.
In the sky, your name won't stay.
I wrote your name in the sand.
Although I wrote with a strong hand,
the water washed it away.
In the sand, your name won't stay.
I wrote your name in my heart,
'cause you're a really important part...]() | Remix aus allen Liedern die gerade in den Charts sind. !! :)
Everyday I' ![Remix aus allen Liedern die gerade in den Charts sind. !! :)
Everyday I'm Shufflin'
when were in St. Tropez
Muss nur noch kurz die Welt retten
I'm on the Edge with you
There's something in the Water, dududududu.
so Danza Kuduro!
And I Set Fire to The Rain
We don't Wanna Go Home
Theres a Stranger ...]() |
50 cent taucht schon 5 Stunden luftanhaltend im Wasser herum und singt " ![50 cent taucht schon 5 Stunden luftanhaltend im Wasser herum und singt I've got the magic stick
worauf Brooke Fraser kreisend aus dem See sprang und schrie There's something in the water!
Maroon5 war so erschrocken das sie ein Jahrhundert zurückgegangen sind und über einen vierziger Jahre Po...]() | A Mother hold her little daughter 15 minutes under water , but not to ma ![A Mother hold her little daughter 15 minutes under water , but not to make her any trouble , she wants to see the funny bubble !
Wer gelacht hat drückt gefällt mir !]() |
I tried
to write your name in the sky.
But the wind blew it away.
In the ![I tried
to write your name in the sky.
But the wind blew it away.
In the sky, your name won't stay.
I wrote your name in the sand.
Although I wrote with a strong hand,
the water washed it away.
In the sand, your name won't stay.
I wrote your name in my heart,
'cause you're a really important part...]() | grotten schlechtes englisch:
two fishes swimming in the water.
say the o ![grotten schlechtes englisch:
two fishes swimming in the water.
say the one fish : hay
say the two fish: where
(ergibt kein sinn.... weil hai auf englisch shark heißt.....=D)]() |
" Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh AHhhh There's something in the water, something in the ![Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh AHhhh There's something in the water, something in the water
ALTTAAA, komm sofort aus dem Haibecken raus!!!!!
XDD]() | - "There is something in the water, something in the
- "A ![- There is something in the water, something in the
- ALTER, hol mich raus, ich ertrinke. oÔ
: D]() |
"There´s something in the water, there´s something in the wateeer na na ![There´s something in the water, there´s something in the wateeer na na na na na naaa...
Alter, nimm meinem Hamster aus der Badewanne-.-´
xD]() | hey bist du überhaupt ''Be happy''? hast du ''something in the water'' g ![hey bist du überhaupt ''Be happy''? hast du ''something in the water'' geschmissen? ich hoffe du kommst zu ''Firework'' denn ich habe schon alles ''So Perfect'' gemacht.]() |
ohohoooohoho, theres somethink in the water, somethink in the waateer... ![ohohoooohoho, theres somethink in the water, somethink in the waateer...
-so, und nachdem du jetzt meine fische belästigt und angeglotzt hast, kannst du mir ja hier helfen.]() | if vodka was water and I was a duck, id swim to the bottom and never com ![if vodka was water and I was a duck, id swim to the bottom and never come up, but vodka isn't water and im not a duck so pass me the bottle and shut the fuck up. :'D]() |
Brooke Fraser :"There's something in the water. something in the wate aa ![Brooke Fraser :There's something in the water. something in the wate aah ah ah aah ahr...
Ich: FRESSE! das ist Apfelschorle.]() | "Something in the Water"
"Was ist da?"
"Ohh ok und was?"
"In ![Something in the Water
Was ist da?
Ohh ok und was?
In the Water
Alter WAS!?
Something in the Water
Ach so...
;)]() |
Tears in the water can't be seen. ![Tears in the water can't be seen.]() | |