I Love you
Every day,
Every moment,
Every time I think about you,
I want to say that I love you.
I just love so much that words can´t say.
So much that it hurts me ,cause I can´t have you ever.
Because you and me aren´t made to be together we made to be best friends and that is hurting me every day ,
Every moment,
Every time I think about you.
I now all that so I have to cry with every word I am saying but I can´t false the truth cause I can´t lay .
So just for now I´am sitting here and cry.
I cry because
Every day,
Every moment,
Every time I think about you
I now we are just friends.
Friends for ever but we won´t be together ever
Because you don’t love me
Any day,
Any moment,
Any time you think about me.
You will never love me
But I will love you forever nut I never tell anyone
I will watch when you have you first girlfriend
I will watch when you merry your wife
I will watch when you first kind get born
I will be there when you´re sad
I will be forever there
Because I love you and you don´t now because you were to blind in every moment of your live
Avery day,
Every moment,
Every time you thought about me ,
But it wasn´t
If I haven’t loved you I would have my on live and you would never ever had a such good fried.
When you read this (but you shouldn´t) than think about it was it for sure ?
Have you ever realized
What I´ve done for YOU
But I love you just the way you are

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