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Die österreichische Spruchseite!


Future als Bilder!

Viele Future Spruchbilder, tolle kostenlose Futurebilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!
Im Englischunterricht schreibt die Lehrerin "Future" auf die Tafel. Ein
" try to forget your past - now look to the future!"
Forget thepast the thing that matters is slowly the future..shit happens
and please - never come back to me in the future - your time is up
you wanna know something? Every now and then say, "What the fuck." "What
Every new start holds within it the power to transform your life. It's a
He met her after a long break up. He told her : Sorry, I've met a new on
miss Miss your laugh miss your smile miss your voice miss your eyes miss
On the first page of our story , the future seemed so bright . Then this
On the first page of uor story the future seems so bright then this thin
On the first page of our story the future seemed so bright .♥

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